Local, Global Jewel: Freedom House Detroit
Serving as a safe haven for individuals who have experienced torture and harassment internationally, the Freedom House in Detroit helps certain individuals seek asylum. The Freedom House in Detroit is the only organization in the United States that provides basic necessities free of charge. This article tells the story of "John" who escaped from Kampala, Uganda after being severely tortured by Police for being an openly gay male. Often denied healthcare due to their sexuality, LGBT citizens in Uganda suffer routine harassment and violence from state-imposed discrimination, which is also community enforced. A brave and courageous man, "John" serves as heroic inspiration for those who dream to escape to a more free land.
Very interesting organization. Absolutely wonderful that Detroit is willing to host international victims and provide a sense of agency for individuals affected by such discrimination. A great example of globalization's finer points and the citizenship across boundaries. Reminiscent of Manisha Anantharaman's individualized approach to citizenship and engagement.